Saturday, July 01, 2006

I look forward to Stephen Downes blog arriving by email each week. He has numerous blogs, but I subscribe to his weekly blog. This week he provided readers with this link: Ten Tips on Writing the Living Web.

I started my blog, mainly because I wanted to learn about blogging and give it a go - and this trip to Brazil seemed like an ideal opportunity, but more than once I have felt uncomfortable about writing in such a public space. For example, I was shocked to find that if you put Jenny Mackness into a web search, then up comes my blog. I naively hadn't expected or thought about this.

I think Mark Bernstein's list is interesting, particularly since it was written as long ago as 2002, when I'm not sure that I had even heard of blogs. Like Stephen Downes, I don't quite know what to think about point 8. The whole business of how much you 'expose' yourself on the web is an unresolved question for me. I think it might be easier to have a 'work' or other information-based log, rather than a personal diary or record. I am already thinking about what will happen to this blog when we return to England. I am also wondering whether a blog could equate to a Reflective Diary or whether the public nature of a blog militates against deep reflection.


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