Thursday, September 14, 2006

Familia Brasileira
I have always been impressed with the importance that Brazilians place on family life and the wider family. I know this to be a generalisation, but it has been my continuing experience over the years.

We have been very fortunate in getting to know not only Brazilian couples of our own age/generation, but the whole family - their parents, children and grandchildren. This week we have been to a family lunch which was held to celebrate the birthday of the son of some friends of ours, at which children, partners and grandchildren were present. We have also been out one evening with the children of some friends, i.e. a couple nearer the age of our own children.

I have always liked the fact that young and old mix and socialise very well here. I put this down to the fact that young children are always included in social events (they don't go to bed early here - too hot in the summer!) and from an early age are used to talking to people of all ages.


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