Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Difficult to get to Blog week
Everything I read tells me that Blogs have to be updated regularly to keep them interesting. This of course depends on whether you are writing for an audience or just for yourself. Despite my reservations about my Blog being 'public' I know that I am writing for friends and particularly for family - as well as for myself - to share our experiences, thoughts and reflections on our stay in Brazil. So, whether or not anyone but me is reading this, I am conscious that it has been a few days since I added to this blog. The reasons for this are:

1. Distractions of work! Yes - seriously. The topic of leadership can be very interesting - not least when thinking about when it has been evident and when it has not in my career!

2. Distractions of weather! We are having a glorious week and it is quite difficult to think about blogging! All available energies seem to have gone first to other things - like sitting/walking in the sun!

3. Distractions of planned travel. Next week we will visit Pantanal for the first time and end the trip with a stop off in Belo Horizonte to see friends who we have not seen for goodness knows how many years. Pantanal is right in the interior of Brazil - the wetlands. We will need torch, insect repellant, sunscreen, hat, long trousers, boots etc. etc. All this needs planning and thought! However, I have already bought an extra memory card for my camera!

4. World Cup. This has certainly changed the life style of late. When you have to be around to watch matches - even after England and Brazil are out - it has an effect on how much you go out and how many new experiences you can write about on your Blog!

However, I see this as the lull in the storm. Wait till we get back from Pantanal!


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