Monday, July 31, 2006

Recently I have made two changes to the way in which I am keeping this blog, one consciously and the other unconsciously.

1. It occurred to me - all of a sudden, recently - that I had made a number of posts where I had named people in a way in which they could possibly be identified. This realisation brought me up with a start. I was quite appalled that I had made this mistake and went right through all my photos and this blog to take out all the names. I feel more comfortable now that I have done this.

2. I realise that unconsciously I have started to write some posts as if I have an audience. Apart from one or two people who have told me that they read this blog from time to time, I'm not sure how much of an audience there is out there. So a blog is obviously different to a diary which is written for personal purposes, even if the content is in the form of a diary, as for this blog.


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