Saturday, September 02, 2006

Attacked by Quero-queros
This evening, on a walk by the beach, we came across a very angry pair of quero-queros (southern lapwings).

We discovered that they were so cross, making a lot of screeching noises and diving at us threateningly, because they were protecting 6 very small chicks.

According to the information I have read, they usually only have about 3 chicks, which both parents protect and they are known for their aggressive behaviour if they think their chicks are in danger.

This photo comes from the following website, which shows a number of birds with which we are now familiar.

I tried to take my own photo, but ended up protecting myself from their attacks, i.e. putting quite a bit if distance between me and them! As soon as I did this, the 6 chicks who had been lying as if they were dead, all got up and started running about. Evidently they are very active from the minute they hatch, so I think these tiny chicks must have only just hatched from the eggs, which are laid in the soil in these beach areas.

Quero-queros are very common around here and despite their aggressive behaviour are very attractive birds.


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