Sunday, August 27, 2006

Brazilian Grippe
It was so cold in Canela last weekend (yes - seriously) that I returned with a sore throat. I didn't really think much of this even though by Monday I had a temperature and a stinking cold. I am never ill and never had a day off work in about 15 years, so I carried on as usual with walks on the beach and lunches out, but I did refrain from going to the gym.

However, by Thursday I had to concede that the Brazilian grippe (flu) must be a more vicious strain than anything I have encountered in England as each day it had me even more in its grip, to the extent that by Thursday I was no longer going out.

Today (Sunday) I still haven't completely got rid of it, although I think it is finally succumbing to my intense dislike of it. I feel distinctly peeved that I haven't been able to be out and about in the sun as much as I would have liked and have only been able to take one photo this week!

To make up for this I have researched all the photoshop courses available in the Lancaster area and will definitely be taking a course when we get back.


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