For me there is definitely something special about sand dunes. There are extensive dunes between Lagoa da Conceicao and Praia Joaquina. It is possible to walk from Lagao to Joaquina beach via the dunes - about 3 kms - very good exercise! Walking in sand dunes certainly gets the leg muscles going. Not only is the walking great, but the light and colours are fantastic. Each way you turn they are different and so vivid.
I have walked on these dunes many, many times in the past. In the spring there are many unusual dune flowers. Even coming into winter as it is now, there are some flowers.
What is different about the dunes now, is that they are very popular with sand surfers. This is a new activity. Years ago, the only time you ever saw anyone on the dunes was at Easter time, when they held the passion plays on the dunes. The dunes form wonderfully natural shifting open air theatre settings. Unfortunately they no longer do this.
In this photo, if you look carefully (and double click on the photo to enlarge it) you can just see some figures on the skyline. This gives an indication of how extensive these dunes are.
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