Cooking class
We finally made it to the cooking class. It was cancelled the week before last and put back to this week. It was fun - but also interesting to talk to the girl who took the class. An interesting woman. At the age of 17 she went and lived in Kent for 6 months on her own to learn English. Quite something! Then returned here to do a psychology degree and then this January opened a restaurant with her husband in Jurere. She works about 16 hours every day of the week and we think her restaurant really has potential to develop. It is already very popular. How she has time to give cooking classes in the evening as well I don't know.
We made quiche which was interesting because the recipe for the pastry was so different and also empadao. These are very popular here - small meat pies (in our case chicken) with a very short pastry.
John is very proud of his certificate and insisted that I take a photo of it! I will also post some more photos in the gallery.
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