It is very evident that the tainha season has started. I have mentioned this before. Tainha is grey mullet, which the Brazilians like to bar-b-que and it is delicious. There seem to be fishermen and fishing nets everywhere at the moment. Tainha is being sold on the roadside (12 reais for 3 kilos - about 50p per pound - if my maths is right). I do wonder how it stays fresh since it is not kept on ice. Fishermen are out at 'lusco - fusco' (isn't that a great word - it means 'dusk' ) and 'madrugada' (dawn). They fish in teams and boats with large circular nets, or individually from the shore with a rod and line. The culmination of all this is 'Festa da Tainha' - a festival which takes place in June to celebrate the catches.
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