Saturday, June 03, 2006

I have learned quite a bit about taking photos while we have been away - not technically - but what I feel about taking photos.

1. One of my friends once said that she never takes photos because the experience is enough for her. I have only recently started taking photos again (since returning to Floripa) and I have to say, I don't agree with her. For me, photos help to keep my memories alive. I now wish I had taken more over the past 10 years or so.

2. I find I can't bring myself to take photos of things which I find 'ugly' and know that therefore my photos repesent a biased view.

3. I feel very uncomfortable about taking photos of people, unless they are friends and I have their consent or they just happen to be in the photo as passers by. I wouldn't want tourists in England taking photos of me, so I think it must be the same for local people here.

4. In Buenos Aires I realised that the photographers who take all those photos for guidebooks must return to a spot time and again to be there at just the right time for the shot. As a tourist you might get a good picture, but often you are just not in the place at the right time.

5. I am amazed that there seem to be people 'out there' who are looking at my Flickr Photo Gallery. I have been contacted by two people I don't know about my Buenos Aires photos. Why would anyone I don't know be interested in my holiday pics?

6. I can see that once I get the 'recording places and experiences' mode of taking photos out of my system - then I could become interested in more creative photography.

7. I need another Photoshop course!


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